Behavior in the Library

The Trustees and staff seek to provide a comfortable environment for all library users, and to be stewards of the town's property in our care.  We encourage people of all ages to visit the library.  Those using the library and its resources have the right to expect a safe, comfortable environment that supports library services.  We expect all library users to observe common courtesy toward other library users and library staff.  Disruptive and discourteous behavior includes (but is not limited to) misuse of library property and actions that deliberately disturb others or prevent the orderly operation of the library and its resources.

Rules of Library Behavior

The level of action will be determined on a case-by-case basis and will be within the discretion of the Library Director or the Board of Trustees or the supervising staff member on duty.  The library staff reserves the right to contact the Plainfield Police Department for assistance related to the dismissal of a patron.

Last Revised