Self-publishing for aspiring authors

Self Publishing Books Workshop with Marjorie Turner Hollman

Self-publishing, developmental editor

Date: March 13, 2025

Time: 7 pm

Venue: Online on Zoom - Registration Link is below:

Zoom-Only Workshop

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When: Mar 13, 2025 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Self-publishing for aspiring authors

Has anyone ever told you, “You should write a book!” Maybe you’ve just wondered what it would be like to be an author. Join Marjorie Turner Hollman Thursday, March 13, 7PM and she’ll outline the steps to writing and publishing your own book.

Independent (self) publishing has changed dramatically in the past twenty years. We’ll talk about the challenges, process, available tools, and your options for creating your book (or books). If you have a topic you are passionate about, skills developed over a lifetime, or simply a story you have been mulling over, you may have the start of a book. Now might be the time to start writing. See you on Zoom.


A native Floridian, Marjorie Turner Hollman came north for college and snow! She now lives in Eastern Massachusetts. For a season she was unable to walk, and she now uses hiking poles to support herself on trails. She writes and self-publishes trail guides to support others who want to get outdoors for Easy Walks. She has shepherded numerous authors, starting with their basic manuscript, and supporting them all the way to their finished, self-published books.

Marjorie Turner Hollman

Easy Walks in Massachusetts (and Beyond)

Self Publishing support/author/developmental editing

Amazon author page

Bellingham, MA 02019


