Invasive Species talk hosted by the Plainfield Conservation Commission

Invasive Species talk hosted by the Plainfield Conservation Commission on March 27th from 6-7 pm

Dode Gladders, Extension Forester in Sullivan County, will discuss current forest health challenges in our
area, with a focus on non-native plants. The talk will cover the challenges of invasive plants,
proper identification of some invasives commonly seen in Plainfield, and management options. The
presentation will also touch on a handful of insect, disease, and other top-tier forest
health concerns in northern New England.
Before starting with UNH Cooperative Extension in 2013, Dode managed the forest health program for
the State of Delaware for nine years and taught Dendrology at Delaware State University. He also worked
as a field forester in the timber industry for several years in the Pacific Northwest. He earned his M.S.
degree in forest resources from the University of Georgia.
