Philip Read Memorial Library

Covered Bridges of Plainfield

Join Kim as she presents a detailed history of the Meriden Bridge, an overview of the four Cornish bridges, and shares information on the area covered bridges that have been lost to time. Following the program, Kim will be available to sign copies of Covered Bridges of New Hampshire.

Perspectives Book Group - The Humans Facilitated by Alice Fogel

As part of New Hampshire Humanities' Perspectives Book Groups, we're reading "The Humans," by Matt Haig. The bestselling, award-winning author of The Midnight Library offers his funniest, most devastating dark comedy yet, a “silly, sad, suspenseful, and soulful” (Philadelphia Inquirer) novel that’s “full of heart” (Entertainment Weekly).


Wednesday, March 15, 6:30 PM PRML

Anyone is welcome to join the discussion. Complimentary books from NH Humanities are available for pick up at the libraries.

Japanese Calligraphy Art Show Ginger Armstrong

The art form is Japanese Calligraphy (SHODOU in Japanese).It is practiced by all children in school in Japan. It is one of the Zen Arts like tea ceremony and flower arrangement. The artist who follows this path practices everyday. The mind is emptied of all thought and only the word that is being written is considered. I will be demonstrating the practice at the opening on February 28. People will also be able to sign up for an introductory class given at the library. I began my practice in the 1990’s with Aya Itagaki from Hokkaido, Japan. She was living at the time in Fairlee Vermont.

Take Your Child to the Library Day

Take Your Child to the Library Day


9:00-12:00 PRML

On the first Saturday in February, thousands of libraries across the world celebrate Take Your Child to the Library Day.   Join us for a morning of fun activities.

William Daugherty Aerial Photography

On exhibit at the Philip Read Memorial Library. Stop in and view these incredible aerial photos of Plainfield and some surrounding areas. Showing now through Jan.

Check out William's blog


Artist Reception 

Tuesday, January 17, 6:00 PM

4th Monday Book Group

Discussing The Space Between Us by Thrity Umigar.

All are welcome to attend.  Books are available at the Philip Read Memorial Library.




Building Committee Meeting

In Person at Philip Read Memorial Library

Contact for information.