
  • Tuesdays at 4:30 pm.

    All levels welcome.


    What is cribbage?

    Cribbage, or crib, is a card game, traditionally for two players, that involves playing and grouping cards in combinations which gain points. It can be adapted for three or four players.[1]

    Cribbage has several distinctive features: the cribbage board used for score-keeping; the crib, box, or kitty (in parts of Canada and New England) two distinct scoring stages; and a unique scoring system, including points for groups of cards that total 15. It has been characterized as "Britain's national card game" and the only one legally playable in licensed pubs and clubs without requiring local authority permission.[2]

    The game has relatively few rules yet many subtleties, which accounts for its ongoing appeal and popularity. Tactical play varies, depending on which cards one's opponent has played, how many cards in the remaining pack will help the hand one holds, and what one's position on the board is. A game may be decided by a single point, and the edge often goes to an experienced player who utilizes strategy, including calculating odds and making decisions based on the relative positions of players on the board.

    Both cribbage and its close relative costly colours are descended from the old English card game of noddy. Cribbage added the distinctive feature of a crib and changed the scoring system for points, whereas costly colours added more combinations but retained the original noddy scoring scheme.



    Mar 11, 04:30pm - Meriden Library
  • Paula Munier

    Paula Munier is an accomplished author and editor, best known for her captivating novels and insightful storytelling. She has written several books, including the popular "Mercy and Elvis" mystery series. With a background in editing, she has worked with many authors to help shape their stories. In addition to her novels, Paula is also a speaker, teacher, and advocate for the literary community. Her work blends suspense, rich character development, and emotional depth, making her a favorite among readers who enjoy engaging mysteries and heartfelt narratives.

    Mar 11, 06:00pm - Meriden Library
  • Drop-in board games - 2 pm at the Meriden Library

    Mar 13, 02:00pm - Meriden Library
  • Learn the basics of using a computer, browsing the Internet, managing your e-mail, cloud storage, and more!

    Drop-in any time between 3:00pm and 4:30 pm on Thursdays for a free tech help session.

    Bring your own device and bring questions.

    Mar 13, 03:00pm - Meriden Library
  • Self Publishing Books Workshop with Marjorie Turner Hollman

    Self-publishing, developmental editor

    Date: March 13, 2025

    Time: 7 pm

    Venue: Online on Zoom - Registration Link is below:

    Zoom-Only Workshop

    Hi there,

    You are invited to a Zoom meeting. 
    When: Mar 13, 2025 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

    Register in advance for this meeting:

    After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

    Self-publishing for aspiring authors

    Has anyone ever told you, “You should write a book!” Maybe you’ve just wondered what it would be like to be an author. Join Marjorie Turner Hollman Thursday, March 13, 7PM and she’ll outline the steps to writing and publishing your own book.

    Independent (self) publishing has changed dramatically in the past twenty years. We’ll talk about the challenges, process, available tools, and your options for creating your book (or books). If you have a topic you are passionate about, skills developed over a lifetime, or simply a story you have been mulling over, you may have the start of a book. Now might be the time to start writing. See you on Zoom.


    A native Floridian, Marjorie Turner Hollman came north for college and snow! She now lives in Eastern Massachusetts. For a season she was unable to walk, and she now uses hiking poles to support herself on trails. She writes and self-publishes trail guides to support others who want to get outdoors for Easy Walks. She has shepherded numerous authors, starting with their basic manuscript, and supporting them all the way to their finished, self-published books.

    Marjorie Turner Hollman

    Easy Walks in Massachusetts (and Beyond)

    Self Publishing support/author/developmental editing

    Amazon author page

    Bellingham, MA 02019



    Mar 13, 07:00pm -
  • Mondays at 9:30 am in the meeting space!

    Friends of the Meriden Library sponsored event

    Mar 17, 09:30am - Meriden Library
  • Mondays  2-3:30 PM at PRML

    Mar 17, 02:00pm - Philip Read Memorial Library
  • 8-10 am

    Mar 18, 08:00am - Meriden Library
  • Drop-in Play Group

    Ages 0 to 4 yrs
    Tuesdays from 10 am to 11 AM @ PRML
    Wednesdays from 10 am to 11 am @ ML

    Caregivers can socialize with other families while children play with toys and books. No registration.

    Mar 18, 10:00am - Philip Read Memorial Library
  • This is a drop-in time for you to come with your tech questions.

    Please come with your device(s) and all necessary passwords. We can take this time to make sure you are
    set up properly to take advantage of all the library has to offer, or to help you get up and running with your
    email program, social media, and the like. If we can’t help you, we’ll find an answer or point you in the direction of finding it yourself. We hope you’ll take advantage of this new service. If the time is not right for you, just let us know and we can set up an appointment.

    Tech Tuesdays @ PRML - 10:30-11:30 am (drop in help)
    Tech Thursday @ ML - 3-4: 30 pm (drop in help)

    Mar 18, 10:30am - Philip Read Memorial Library